Chinese Shar-Pei General Characteristics
The Chinese Shar-pei is probably one of the lowest maintenance breeds of dog.
Sharpei's go through a puppy stage but mature quite quickly. Because they mature emotionally quickly this keeps the digging, chewing and general puppy problems to a minimum.
One of the best qualities of the Shar Pei is that they are very easy to house train. By nature they are very clean and will prefer to "go" outside in a private place, leaving your garden and lawn "mine" free!
Sharpei's also tend to be self-exercising and therefore do not necessarily require a large yard. However walking everyday is recommended and your sharpei will happily oblige.
Chinese Shar-Pei will be good for you if you require a good steady companion that will keep the house intact, be a guard dog and adapt to a variety of situations.
They will recognize the sound of the family cars but bark if a strange car calls.
Because Shar-Pei are highly intelligent and dominant it is important to ensure that the humans are in charge or they will be. This must be established early or the dog will soon have the best arm-chair. You must be firm but kind.
Sharpeis will usually be aloof with strangers. This is not necessarily shyness, with some Sharpei's becoming quite outgoing.
Sharpei's tend to select a “favourite” family member, who may be the one who spends the most time with them or feeds them, but are most likley to be the one they see as the dominant figure
The Shar Pei is regal, aloof, dignified and essentially a very independent dog that is stand-offish to strangers. However as previously stated some Shar Pei love everyone, especially if they have been well socialized as a puppy.
Generalization as to temperament is difficult as each Sharpei is an individual, molded by it's own heritage and environment, much as humans are.
In general the breed has proved itself to be a loving, devoted family dog. Shar Pei are often described as "people dogs", preferring human companionship to that of other dogs. Their quick intelligence may play a part in this. Perhaps they sense our own intelligence and prefer the inventiveness and creativity we bring to situations. Or maybe they just prefer their master's love and attention!
Most often the Shar Pei owner will find his dog by his side - wherever he may be. Shar Pei seem to be "in tune" with their owners - sometimes sensing our innermost thoughts. The breed is quite capable to use this gift to the point of manipulation!! With this in mind Shar Pei owners must be at least a little more intelligent than their dogs.
Once the proper hierarchy is established, there is no better canine companion. A mutual understanding matures into a loving relationship in which verbal communication seems unnecessary.
Those who have lived with and loved a Shar Pei know that they are indeed very special dogs. They are super-intelligent, intuitive and deserving of the opportunity to take their rightful place in the canine society.
Sharpei's are not aggressive dogs and are very good with children. Our sharpei's are always attentive, loyal and trustworthy, and make our lives more enriched.
Sharpei's are not like most dogs, and will not bark at sirens, telephone rings, or other noises, which makes them ideal for small households or apartments.
All in all sharpeis are wonderful pets and companions and would suit just about everyone from families with kids, the elderly and single people.